Paper accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications!

Paper on distillable entanglement and quantum capacity has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 🎉
Our paper Estimate Distillable Entanglement and Quantum Capacity by Squeezing Useless Entanglement by Chengkai Zhu, Chenghong Zhu and Xin Wang has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). This paper was previously accepted as a long talk in AQIS 2023.
For JSAC: The IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the IEEE Communications Society that focuses on telecommunications.
For the paper Estimate Distillable Entanglement and Quantum Capacity by Squeezing Useless Entanglement: We propose methods to evaluate distillable entanglement and quantum capacity by squeezing useless entanglement from a state or channel. We introduce a resource measure called reverse divergence of resources to quantify the difference between a target state and free states. Then, we use reverse divergence of entanglement to establish upper bounds on distillable entanglement and quantum capacity. Our method has practical applications for purifying maximally entangled states under practical noises, such as depolarizing and amplitude damping noises, leading to improvements in estimating the one-way distillable entanglement. Our bounds also offer useful benchmarks for evaluating the quantum capacities of qubit quantum channels of interest, including the Pauli channels and the random mixed unitary channels.