Variational Quantum State Diagonalization¶
Copyright (c) 2021 Institute for Quantum Computing, Baidu Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In this tutorial, we will train a quantum neural network (QNN) through Paddle Quantum to complete the diagonalization of quantum states.
First, import the following packages.
import numpy
from numpy import diag
from numpy import pi as PI
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import paddle
from paddle import matmul, trace
import paddle_quantum
from paddle_quantum import intrinsic
from paddle_quantum.ansatz import Circuit
from paddle_quantum.linalg import dagger
The Variational Quantum State Diagonalization [1-3] aims to output the eigen-spectrum (eigenvalues) of a quantum state. Solving the eigenvalues of quantum states has many applications in quantum computation, such as calculating fidelity and Von Neumann entropy.
- Quantum state is usually a mixed state which can be expressed as follows:
- As an example, we consider a mixed 2-qubit quantum state with eigen-spectrum $[0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1]$.
# Fixed random seed
V = scipy.stats.unitary_group.rvs(4) # Randomly generate a unitary matrix
D = diag([0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1]) # Input the spectrum of the target state rho
V_H = V.conj().T # Conjugate transpose operation
rho = V @ D @ V_H # Generate rho by inverse spectral decomposition
print(numpy.around(rho, 4)) # Print quantum state rho
[[ 0.2569-0.j -0.012 +0.0435j -0.0492-0.0055j -0.0548+0.0682j] [-0.012 -0.0435j 0.2959+0.j 0.1061-0.0713j -0.0392-0.0971j] [-0.0492+0.0055j 0.1061+0.0713j 0.2145-0.j 0.0294-0.1132j] [-0.0548-0.0682j -0.0392+0.0971j 0.0294+0.1132j 0.2327+0.j ]]
Building a quantum neural network¶
In this case, we will learn the eigen-spectrum of quantum state $\rho$ defined above by training a QNN (also known as the parameterized quantum circuit). Here, we provide a predefined 2-qubit quantum circuit.
One can randomly initialize the QNN parameters ${\bf{\vec{\theta }}}$ containing 15 parameters.
N = 2 # The width of the quantum neural network
SEED = 14 # Fixed random seed
THETA_SIZE = 15 # The number of parameters in the quantum neural network
def U_theta(N: int) -> Circuit:
Quantum Neural Network
# Initialize the quantum neural network according to the number of qubits/network width
cir = Circuit(N)
# Call the built-in quantum neural network template
cir.universal_two_qubits([0, 1])
# Return the circuit of the quantum neural network
return cir
Training model and loss function¶
- After setting up the quantum state and the QNN architecture, we will further define the parameters to be trained, loss function, and optimization methods.
- The quantum state obtained by acting the quantum neural network $U(\theta)$ on $\rho$ is denoted by $\tilde\rho$, and we set the loss function to be the inner product of the quantum state $\sigma$ and $\tilde\rho$ where
- In specific, the loss function is defined as the state overlap
# Enter the quantum state sigma
sigma = diag([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
class Net(paddle.nn.Layer):
Construct the model net
def __init__(self, rho, sigma):
super(Net, self).__init__()
# Convert Numpy array to Tensor supported in Paddle
complex_dtype = paddle_quantum.get_dtype()
self.rho = paddle.cast(paddle.to_tensor(rho), complex_dtype)
self.sigma = paddle.cast(paddle.to_tensor(sigma), complex_dtype)
# Apply quantum neural network
self.cir = U_theta(N)
# Define loss function and forward propagation mechanism
def forward(self, N):
# rho_tilde is the quantum state U*rho*U^dagger
U = self.cir.unitary_matrix()
rho_tilde = matmul(matmul(U, self.rho), dagger(U))
# Calculate the loss function
loss = trace(matmul(self.sigma, rho_tilde))
return paddle.real(loss), rho_tilde, self.cir
Before training the quantum neural network, we also need to set up several hyper-parameters, mainly the learning rate LR and the number of iterations ITR. Here we set the learning rate to be LR = 0.1 and the number of iterations to ITR = 50. One can adjust these hyper-parameters accordingly and check how they influence the training performance.
ITR = 50 # Set the total number of iterations of training
LR = 0.1 # Set the learning rate
Training process¶
- After setting all the parameters of SSVQE model, we need to convert all the data into Tensor in the PaddlePaddle, and then train the quantum neural network.
- We used Adam Optimizer in training, and one can also call other optimizers provided in Paddle.
# Determine the parameter dimension of the network
net = Net(rho=rho, sigma=sigma)
# We use Adam optimizer for better performance
# One can change it to SGD or RMSprop.
opt = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=LR, parameters=net.parameters())
# Optimization loop
for itr in range(ITR):
# Forward propagation calculates the loss function and returns the estimated energy spectrum
loss, rho_tilde, cir = net(N)
rho_tilde_np = rho_tilde.numpy()
# Back propagation minimizes the loss function
# Print training results
if itr% 10 == 0:
print('iter:', itr,'loss:','%.4f'% loss.numpy()[0])
iter: 0 loss: 0.2494 iter: 10 loss: 0.1959 iter: 20 loss: 0.1843 iter: 30 loss: 0.1816 iter: 40 loss: 0.1805
After 50 iterations, we have completed the diagonalization procedure. The next step is to verify the results of spectral decomposition by printing out $\tilde{\rho} = U(\boldsymbol{\theta})\rho U^\dagger(\boldsymbol{\theta})$. One can see the results are very close to what we expect.
print("The estimated spectrum is:", numpy.real(numpy.diag(rho_tilde_np)))
print("The target spectrum is:", numpy.diag(D))
The estimated spectrum is: [0.49938068 0.29916352 0.10103808 0.10041767] The target spectrum is: [0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1]
[1] Larose, R., Tikku, A., Neel-judy, É. O., Cincio, L. & Coles, P. J. Variational quantum state diagonalization. npj Quantum Inf. (2019) doi:10.1038/s41534-019-0167-6.
[2] Nakanishi, K. M., Mitarai, K. & Fujii, K. Subspace-search variational quantum eigensolver for excited states. Phys. Rev. Res. 1, 033062 (2019).
[3] Cerezo, M., Sharma, K., Arrasmith, A. & Coles, P. J. Variational Quantum State Eigensolver. arXiv:2004.01372 (2020).